Sobrato Foundation Early Academic Learning (SEAL) Model Case Studies
In 2020, Sobrato Philanthropies commissioned SPR to develop a resource that documents the Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL) model for helping teachers improve education for language learners.
Project Highlights
SEAL is a research-based
instructional model that provides professional development and technical assistance to teachers and educational leaders so they can deliver high-quality education Dual Language Learners (DLLs) and English Learners (ELs) in preschool and elementary school. Launched in 2008, the model is used in over 130 preschool classrooms and over 110 elementary schools in California.
SPR conducted in-depth
interviews with district and school leaders and SEAL staff to document the SEAL model’s origin story, central design principles, staffing and professional development structure, and paths to expansion after the success of the original pilot.
SPR developed an overview document
that describes SEAL’s origin, design, and structure, and highlights key milestones in its pilot and expansion efforts. Our team also produced three case studies of California districts using the SEAL model and achieving exemplary results.