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Public Schools

K–12 School Improvement

We work with federal, state, and local education agencies and foundations to evaluate K–12 school improvement initiatives. Our culturally responsive practice and use of mixed methods ensure a nuanced understanding of how these initiatives impact the outcomes of students from a variety of backgrounds in different institutional and policy contexts.

School–Community Networks

We provide expertise in network analysis, improvement science, systems change, and evaluation of cross-sector collaborations that impact students, families, and communities in the areas of education, health, and economic security.

Youth-Serving Organizations and Programs

Youth Development

We have an extensive portfolio of program evaluations focused on after-school services, youth workforce development, youth leadership, and youth civic activism and organizing. Nearly all of the programs we have evaluated serve low-income youth of color, youth at risk of not completing high school, youth with disabilities, opportunity youth, or other vulnerable young people.

In-School / Out-of-School

Whole Child Development

We work with clients to evaluate strategies that embrace the whole learner—in and out of school. We bring experience evaluating multi-sector models that support the basic needs of children and their families, as well as integrated social, emotional, and academic learning approaches, and those that leverage trauma-informed practices and emphasize holistic child development.

Student-Centered Learning

Community Data and Data Partnerships

We partner with funders and national non-profit organizations to evaluate initiatives and programs that promote student-centered learning. These efforts engage students as agents of their own learning and tailor learning opportunities to each student’s unique identities, culture, strengths, needs, and interests. Our work in this area ranges from formative developmental evaluations to summative outcomes studies.

CTE, Post-Secondary Access and Completion, and Apprenticeship/Preapprenticeship

Youth Transitions to College and Career

We are nationally recognized experts on work-based learning, apprenticeship, and career pathways. Leveraging our deep knowledge of K–12 systems, career and technical education, and the public workforce development system, we partner with clients and stakeholders to evaluate and provide technical assistance on career pathway efforts in high schools, community colleges, industry (including apprenticeship and preapprenticeship), and beyond–especially for young people from underserved communities.

Post-Secondary/Higher Education

Community Colleges and Universities

We conduct implementation and developmental evaluations for a wide range of community college initiatives aimed at advancing equity and improving student academic and career outcomes. These evaluations include workforce initiatives and trainings offered as part of the community college experience as well as programs designed to support student transfer or transitions to employment.


San Francisco Community Hubs Initiative Final Report

When schools in San Francisco were closed to in-person instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic, San Francisco’s Department of Children, Youth and Their Families (DCYF) and the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department (RPD) worked with other city departments to...

Evaluation Report

Evaluation of The New Teacher Project (TNTP) and Solution Tree in Washoe County School District

Longitudinal Study

A Regional Scan of Individualized Learning

Commissioned by the Bush Foundation, this report provides a snapshot of how individualized learning concepts are understood and integrated into school strategies and practices in the region it serves–North and South Dakota and Minnesota and the 23 Native nations that...


Access to Opportunity: Using Preapprenticeship Programs to Connect to Registered Apprenticeship

This paper is part of a suite of products resulting from SPR’s evaluation of the first year of the California Apprenticeship Initiative (CAI). See all resources.  

Practice Brief

How Apprenticeship Programs for Opportunity Youth Stay Resilient Through the COVID-19 Recession

A product of an apprenticeship expansion and modernization effort supported by the US Department of Labor, with JFF, the National Association of Workforce Boards, the Rural Youth Catalyst Project, and SPR, this report documents strategies for sustaining and expanding Registered...

Online Resource

Promising Approaches for Connecting Opportunity Youth to Registered Apprenticeship

This resource highlights promising practices (in five categories) for building and growing successful apprenticeship programs for opportunity youth. Drawn from among a network of 15 partner sites as part of the US Department of Labor’s apprenticeship expansion effort with JFF,...

Clients and Partners

Equity, Power & Movement Building