Strategic Learning & Advising
We work with foundations, community-based organizations, and agencies to inform strategy and grantmaking, improve project implementation, and enhance collaborative learning and advocacy.
We help foundations and partners turn strategy into scalable change.
We know each engagement is unique.
We work across all stages of initiative planning and development or just where we are needed.
We bring powerful methods and tools.
Our researchers employ the full range of quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods and data analysis and visualization techniques. Our strategic learning teams combine collective impact, human-centered design, and social innovation tools and frameworks to suit the task—with an equity lens, always. Our researchers and learning facilitators work jointly to support client success.
We use data to adapt.
Social change is hard. And circumstances on the ground can change. We ensure data informs efforts to adapt strategy and refine advocacy for powerful results.
We learn with, from, and alongside our clients and partners.
We co-design data collection, stakeholder engagement, and inclusive learning activities to generate and share insight. We engage widely to bring field-leading practices and lived experience to our coaching, learning, and advisory activities.
“The work SPR does to listen and then provide the tools forour members to take the lead and be seen as leaders is deeply appreciated!
I LOVE working with this team!”
We help clients employ the right tools for managing tough human challenges.
Strategic Learning / Method
Data Collection & Analysis
We need data, but too much creates confusion. Our team gathers and analyzes the data that matters most using the methods that capture it best. By combining program data, interviews, focs groups, surveys, grant reviews, and social network and media analysis, we ensure data speaks to our clients’ strategic priorities.
Strategic Learning / Method
Communication, Framing & Tools
Data needs context. We create strategic frameworks to synthesize, translate, and present information in ways that promote understanding, facilitate learning, and guide the actions of clients, stakeholders, and community partners.
Strategic Learning / Method
Participatory Learning & Facilitation
There is often a gap between knowing and doing. We create safe spaces for clients to interpret data and reflect on its strategic implications, and we facilitate consequential conversations about what comes next.
Strategic Learning / Method
Evaluation Capacity Building
As a complement to our outcome, impact, and implementation research studies, we offer developmental and custom evaluation services—enhancing clients’ own capacity to support evaluation. We design, coach, and assist in data collection, assessment, and analysis. We help clients use data to inform continuous improvement and promote learning and development within and across programs, organizations, and strategies.
Advising / Method
Collective Impact & Shared Goals
Our clients tackle hard problems embedded in systems of inequity and oppression. We help them work with stakeholders to find common purpose and structure partnerships that achieve shared goals and generate system change.