Washington State’s Economic Security for All (EcSA) Pilot Study
In 2021, the Washington State Employment Security Department commissioned SPR to serve as the evaluator and learning partner for an innovative guaranteed income pilot program aimed at reducing poverty among families.
Project Highlights
Replicable successes.
The evaluation examined how Economic Security for All projects navigate implementation challenges and explored how other communities could replicate promising practices.
A layered evaluation.
The evaluation design included reviewing program documentation, analyzing program data, and conducting interviews and site visits to assess the experiences and challenges encountered by agency staff and partners, program participants, and community stakeholders in the implementation period.
Sharing findings.
A project final report documents and highlights results and lessons learned. The report is linked at the bottom of this page.
“[These grants] will empower local areas to build sustainable models and creative partnerships to address the needs of families and others who experience poverty.”
Economic Security for All was an initiative of the Washington Employment Security Department designed to develop replicable models that measurably reduce poverty. The program allocated federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act statewide activities funds to local workforce development boards to develop comprehensive services for individuals who earn 200% of the federal poverty level or less to help them move into economic self-sufficiency.
The program focused on engaging individuals who are receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, are insecurely housed, or are from underserved populations.
Our team reviewed program documentation, analyze program data, and conduct interviews and site visits to assess the full range of stakeholder during the implementation period.
Related resource
Economic Security for All (EcSA) Final Evaluation Report
Related resource
Economic Security for All: A “WIOA Plus” Approach to Workforce Development for Low-Income Workers in Washington State Shows Promise