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Caleb van Docto

Senior Associate


LEAD Center: Putting Workforce & WIOA Policy into Practice, California Apprenticeship Initiative: Technical Assistance and Evaluation, Accessible Everything

M.A., Accessible Education, SFSU

About Caleb

Caleb is a Senior Associate in the Workforce and Human Services Division at SPR. He works at the intersection of education and workforce policy, focused on how people move to and through human service systems. He is particularly attentive to integrative workforce programs, accessible K-16 education, and disability inclusion amidst warming and more volatile environments. His portfolio typically includes both evaluation and capacity-building technical assistance for education and work-based learning policy and programs.

Previously, Caleb worked as an educator—both domestically and internationally—with transition-aged youth and adults with disabilities, where he’s tinkered extensively with accessibility and universal design principles for both physical and learning environments. More recently he’s worked with the Veterans Administration’s Western Blind Rehabilitation Center, and as Director of Services for a disability service agency in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Beyond SPR Caleb has served on several boards and city government commissions in Oakland and San Francisco that support human and environmental resiliency for an increasingly interdependent world. When not on Zoom, he might be found at Berkeley’s Center for Independent Living, where he serves on the board.