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Kate Dunham

Principal & Director of Project Operations / Workforce & Human Services


The WIOA Research Portfolio Project, Better Careers Developmental Evaluation, Navigator Evidence-Building Portfolio, Consulting for the LA Opportunity Youth Collaborative

About Kate

Kate is a Principal and Director of Project Operations at SPR. She leads partnerships with foundations and government organizations to improve economic mobility for families and households, especially those with limited assets and incomes, helping them to achieve personal and economic self-sufficiency. She is passionate about helping such organizations understand and improve their efforts to partner with families, communities, and individuals to increase economic mobility.

Kate has more than 20 years of experience conducting evaluations and supporting capacity-building in partnership with organizations and the communities, families, and individuals they serve to ensure that economic mobility programs benefit all stakeholders. In particular, she has deep knowledge of economic mobility interventions, including numerous programs administered by the public workforce system, such as the WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs. She also has expertise in qualitative methods, public data systems, and facilitation.

Kate earned an M.P.P. from the Goldman School at the University of California, Berkeley, and a B.A. in Economics and Politics from the University of California at Santa Cruz. In her spare time, she enjoys gardening, walking her dog, Maggie, and watching funny Netflix shows with her teenage daughter and wife.